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Wednesday, 26 December 2018

SEO in 2019 : Tips and Tricks for Best SEO Practices in 2019

SEO in 2019

Google AI is more likely to work even stronger in future that’s the main threat I would say.
Outsmarting human brains by a machine might be a distant dream for many technologies but now it is a reality for search engines.
The shift towards artificial intelligence in search engine queries has started showing the result in 2017, and this trend is going to be even stronger in 2019.
So it’s already clear that Artificial intelligence along with voice search will hold the key to organic ranking in the future.
You just have to increase expertise, authority, and trustworthiness nothing else.
Just work on to get correct SEO data along with thinking about keywords more intelligently.
The year 2018 marked multiple efforts done by Google to empower search. due to Google’s mobile-first index rollout and page speed rule.
However, SEO campaigns in 2019 can want ingredients aside from what Google presently serves.
The article captures five most significant trends which will verify the success of associate degree SEO campaign in 2019.
SEO in 2019 will normally be the same SEO as it is nowadays or as it uses to be in 2017-18.
Don’t expect any major changes. You will still require high-quality content, on-page optimization, and decent links for your website.
If you truly want to be ahead of the competition, it’s not enough to keep the focus on the latest trends topics, you should also think likely some of them.
But is it really possible? The answer would be – yes and no.
The thing is that we can not predict what kind of changes search engines prepare for optimization.
However, we still can make some predictions through the latest statement and taking off trends.

There is some list we have to focus SEO in 2019:

User experience

It’s a widely known fact that Google search engine makes everything to serve users, so it considers lots on User Experience (UX) process of discovering user behaviors factors while ranking websites.
Moreover, I am sure you have to improve the conversion rate and increase time spent on your website.
So make sure that user is satisfied with your website starting from the content to the website design.
Optimize Title and Description tags for better Click-through rate (CTR) Create in-depth content Use Large-scale integration (LSI) keywords Improve usability Increase page load speed.

Mobile First Priority

Till date around 60% of Google searches are from mobile devices (in some niches numbers go up to 80%).
Mobile index true info
That’s why Google has already turned over to the direction of mobile-first indexing and will be making the webpage more mobile-friendly in the future.
So make sure your website has a responsive design and perfect to all size of the display.

Focus on Video Content

How often do you intercept and hold yourself watching a 10 minutes video instead of reading a big article (Even though it’s perfectly optimized and may answer your question)?
On the report to the research of networking giant Cisco, video content will take around 80% of all online traffic by 2021.
So if you still sleep on video content, think about it in 2019.
I suggest to combine video content with your text articles, but don’t forget that YouTube videos should also be SEO-optimized.

Voice search

voice search
Google voice search technology is no more about calling a phone number and telling keywords you want to find as it used to be back in 2010.
Nowadays more and more people prefer using voice commands and queries (here around 15% of mobile searches are by voice commands).
The future of voice search is still unknown, but it will definitely continue to become more intelligent, responsive, and correct in all details.
So you should have to take into account some aspects of SEO that affect voice queries search:
  • Optimization of featured snippets,
  • Long-tail voice-oriented keywords,
  • Schema Metadata for Local SEO

Featured snippets

If you make a query using a popular keyword, you would probably see not only paid and organic results in search engine results page as it used to be a decade ago but also a variety of featured snippets (knowledge graph, rich answers, instant functionality etc.).
Google fills its search engine results page with more and more non-organic results, which is especially noticeable on mobile devices.
The text, image or video are taken directly from the webpage that is linked to in the snippet.
So if you optimize your page for the featured snippet, it may appear at the very top of search engine results page.
How to get featured?
Make sure your webpage already ranks high (according to Ahrefs, 99.58% of featured pages rank in top 10 of Google search engine results page).
Ask the question in your article and answer it (use some different questions in subheadings to cover more queries, but don’t over do) Use eye-catching videos and images.

Content optimization and technical SEO

When focusing on trend topics, you should not forget about basic on-page SEO.
Having technical issues such as low page load speed, missing Title and Description meta tags, duplicate content, will pull down all your efforts.
I recommend checking your WEBSITE SEO SCORE CHECKER which will find all essential on-page issues and start fixing them.
Keep in mind when you going for your website SEO that even though you may know only some most popular Google algorithms/updates. Such as Panda, Penguin, Fred or Hummingbird, Google makes 2-3 algorithmic updates every day.
What I mean is that in 2019 Google will be much more intelligent, so it will be more difficult to promote your website.
So Create high-quality content, better optimize your website, keep track of the latest trends and you will succeed!
Be Happy and Make better SEO in 2019

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