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Saturday, 22 December 2018

Speed Up Your Website 85% – Best Way to Faster Load Time

Why Does Your Website Speed Matter?

Website speed is very important for your website SEO factor as well as your online marketing strategy.
If your site takes more time to load than there are more chances that you will lose your visitors/customers.
It will definitely affect your business and also this could negatively affect the indexation of your website on search engine result page.
Also, you have to know that Not only that, Google currently includes website speed in its ranking formula. Meaning that your site’s speed affects SEO on google search engines result page.

How You will Test Your Website’s Speed?

Pingdom is a very useful tool that not only tests your website speed but also reviews and grades your website’s performance. It also tracks the performance history of your website.
GTMetrix is a tool that tests your website speed and offers advice on how to improve it. It is a free tool that analyzes your web page’s speed performance using Google Page Speed and YSlow.
PageSpeed Insights is a free tool by Google for testing your website speed and it is very easy to use. This tool analyzes your website URL’s content and generates suggestions on how to make your website faster.

Here are some of the ways to increase your website speed:

1. Choose a good host for your website.

Many people chose cheap web hosting plans when they are first creating a website. So they choose cheap shared hosting. Over time, they put more content to their website and their websites grow, ultimately slowing down.
If that is your case, the best choice would be to upgrade your hosting to a better web hosting plan. Upgrading your web hosting plan is the easiest and simplest way to improve the speed of your website.

2. Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)

Content Delivery Networks work by hosting your files across a large network of servers around the World.
Hosting your media files on a content delivery network is the best ways to speed up your site. It can often save up to 60% bandwidth and halve the number of requests your website makes.
If you have shared hosting then you better to use CDN.

I tested a few CDNs, including MaxCDN, Cloudwatch, and Cloudflare. Out of these, my personal favorite is Cloudflare (and is free to get started with).

3. Use a better framework or theme for your website

Page speed matter on web design so make website design better and lightweight that your website load quick way. Useless inline CSS and JS.
CSS3 and HTML 5 framework are lightweight and make it easier for mobile web pages to load quickly.
For more visit: Make 6 things better on your Website to increase web traffic.
My blog on WordPress so I personally using GeneratePress theme its one of the fast loading theme.
Use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) technique to design mobile webpage as it an open standard for any publisher to have pages load quickly on mobile devices.

4. Optimize images of your website

Be sure that your website images are no larger than they need to be.
Use images in the right file format (PNGs are generally better for graphics with fewer than 16 colors while JPEGs are generally better for photographs).
Make images are compressed for the web.

5. Use AJAX to Speed Up your Website

Using AJAX will help your mobile site fetch the data from a web server without essentially requiring the page to be refreshed.
It allows your mobile site to quickly load. It also fills in updated content while the viewer is still browsing through your mobile page.

6. Minify Style Sheets & JavaScript to Speed Up your Website

Minification is a process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing its functionality.
Minify all JavaScript and style sheet on your website to reduce the overall bandwidth consumption and improve caching.

7. Enable Browser Caching

Enable caching can improve your website speed significantly and give visitors to your site a more rewarding user experience.
Caching refers to the process of storing static files, such as website HTML documents, media files, images, CSS and JavaScript files, for easier and faster access, so that the database does not have to retrieve each and all file every time there is a new request. The more requests are being made to your website server, the more time it will take for your website to load.
When people visit your website, the elements on the web page they are trying to access are automatically stored on their hard drive in a cache (temporary storage).
That way, the next time they visit your website page, their browser will load the requested web page very quickly, without having to send an HTTP request to the server again.

8.Minimize HTTP Requests of your website

Websites can be slow down because of too many HTTP requests.
When people visit your website, they request certain files.
Their web browser requests those files from your website server by using the HTTP protocol. These files include CSS, JavaScript files and HTML files. If you have a lot of these files, there will be a lot of HTTP requests and your website will ultimately get slowed down.
So you should minimize HTTP requests. There are some best ways to do it.
  • Use CSS instead of images whenever possible in your website source code.
  • Combine all HTML, CSS and JS scripts files together.
  • Use less number of elements on every web page.
  • Use caching technology to the website.
  • Reduce redirects, which create additional HTTP requests to the website server.
  • Remove External Scripts from your website.

9. Optimize Your website Database

Optimizing your database is one of the very effective ways to speed up your website.
This is something you should do on a regular basis, the data in your database increases and your website becomes slower.
Clean your database on a regular basis, but always make sure you back up your website files first. Never do anything to your database before backing it up.

10. Replace PHP with static HTML where possible

PHP is great for making your site efficient and reducing the need to enter the same information multiple times on your website.
However, calling information through PHP uses up server resource of the website.
So you should be replaced PHP with static HTML where it doesn’t save any times.

11. Remove unnecessary Links from your website.

Unnecessary Links in your website take extra time to load so it’s better to Remove these from your website.

Be Happy with speed load website

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